Compare And Contrast The National Government And The Virginia Plan

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The Compromise The United States constitution set a foundation for the structure of our government today. The founding fathers went through trial and error, and many compromises in order give order and structure to both the government and to the people. The first initial constitution called the Article of Confederation made the central government weak and gave individual states too much power. In the Article of Confederation, there was only one branch and were not able to collect taxes. The government was only able to receive donations. However, each individual states printed their own currency, and too much money which caused an economic turmoil or inflation. In addition, each individual states had their own army in which caused the mentality of being a union of individual state, instead of union of a country. The national government on the other …show more content…

Virginia, being a large state proposes that representation should be based on the state’s population. This means that the more citizens that populate a state can send more delegates to represent in congress. This would put larger states at an advantage because larger states naturally have a larger population. Therefore by having a larger population, they can send more representatives and consequently have a “larger” voice in the legislature. Ultimately, the smaller states would not accept or agree to Virginia’s plan because they would be at a disadvantage since they have fewer citizens. Within its plan, they believe in a bicameral legislature where there are two separate chambers in congress where the people elect the lower house and the lower house would vote to elect the upper house. The members of each chamber are determined proportionally. In addition, there will be three branches of government legislatures such as legislatives, executive, and lastly

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