The Unintended Consequences Of Feed Analysis

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The Unintended Consequences of Feed There are many unintended consequence in the book “Feed” that are caused by introducing new technologies to the world. Most of these unintended consequences are bad however, not all of them affect the world or humanity as negatively as others. Some of these unintended consequences affect how, or even if the human race will be able to continue evolving or crash down completely. One of the most obvious unintended consequences in Feed is that, although it was created to help the human race and put everything we need at our fingertips, in a lot of ways it did the opposite. Most of society has completely given up on anything such as grammar or spelling. Even though they only have to “think” to search for a definition …show more content…

This just shows that either the Feed wasn't built very securely or the corporations need to do a better job taking care of potential threats on civilians. It also helps put into perspective how little the corporation's care considering how long it took for everyone at the hospital to be checked to make sure that there feeds where ok. An additional Consequence is a new form of getting high called “Malfunctioning”. It's really easy to Malfunctioning because it's cheap and easily accessible. Malfunctioning is talked about all throughout the book and at one point the main character Titus goes onto a Swedish Mal site. What we have learned about Malfunctioning is that it messes with your head to a point in which you might not even remember what you were doing while in “Mal”, it’s also cheap and easily accessible to those of all ages meaning that, not only do teens get addicted to Malfunctioning but it's likely some children do as …show more content…

Throughout the book we learn more about how the world is dying and people don't even seem to realize that they are the one’s who are doing it, The cut down trees to build air production plants, Clouds are now factory made, Other life on earth died off long ago and most of the people of feed don't even know what is wrong with all of these things. Yet another unintended consequence is how people’s bodies react to the feed when it's not put in while they are still infants. In the book it discusses the fact that if the feed is implemented into a child once they have reached a certain point of growth. The Feed may reject the body and not form to the host correctly causing there body to shut down and not function correctly, An example of this is seen in the book with Violet as she slowly starts to fade away the more the feed rejects

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