The Titan's Goblet By Thomas Cole

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The focus work I chose was The Titan's Goblet created by Thomas Cole in 1833. This piece of work was used to express the beauty of the past, the passage through time and the intrusion of nature. Cole used his normal method for this painting with canvas and oil paint to express the true beauty of the diluted nature that Cole saw at the time. On the foreground of Cole’s The Titan's Goblet you can see a mixture of the beautiful mountain range and a river filled with what seems to be explorers yet can be perceived as other people. The mid-ground of the painting is filled with more beauty of the untouched landscape, and the start of goblet which sits on-top of a ledge which appears to be forming from the ground. Further throughout the painting …show more content…

The Titan’s Goblet had many characteristics in relation to Romanticism, including its celebration of nature and imagination, already painting many Romanticism like paintings Cole was an expert on this area and adding the Goblet filledwith the backstory it added the fine details to give high relation to Romanticism. Likewise, Cole implemented many clues of Greek mythology, not only because of the name but by the very small detail on-top of the Goblet which can relate to Romanticism. The goblet can be seen as a higher place for gods and higher power people to live at. Regarding Chiaroscuro which was previously mentioned in paper number three Cole uses light to his advantage, with the clear light in the background and the more subtle darkness in front it gives the perfect mixture in order to perfectly view this painting. In addition with the Chiaroscuro, shading is clearly mastered in The Titan’s Goblet by giving enough to give a representation of the time of day and extra detail to the painting but also not too much to overwhelm the painting so you cannot see what is happening. The characteristics implemented by Cole in The Titan's Goblet are all put into work that he has done in other paintings just to master …show more content…

Considering Cole created his own movement he was allowed to input his own characteristics into it and form it into the art movement. The Titan’s Goblet can be perceived in many different ways depending on the way the story goes in your head, Cole put special touches into the paintings in order for you to create a story for the painting. Cole had the mind of a genius, his work has so much different talents displayed on one medium mixed with the beauty and poetry. Landscape Romanticism has been included in many paintings from Cole other than The Titan’s Goblet, including Distant View of Niagara Falls and, The Mountain Ford. In many religions there is a thing called the “world tree” which supports the three worlds, Heaven, Earth and The Underworld, Cole used the goblet to replace the world tree and used the Titans as thethe goblet seems so

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