The Third Reason Essay

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“The third reason: Stories help us to see through the eyes of the other people.” - Scott Russell Sanders, The Most Human Art. In my eyes the explanation for this reason is to fathom another life other than your own. Sanders explains how a storyteller can become anyone or anything. The audience then follows in their own mind seeing through the eyes of another. It is to plunge into another's life and swim in their own waters. Every Life is so different and the most wonderful way to communicate and share a lifetime is through stories. The third reason is significant to me because you never know someone truly unless you understand their story. How ever much you might love and adore someone, you will never truly know them until you’ve swam the ocean of him or her. When you …show more content…

A story so beautiful that it has created a human from head to toe to mind to soul. Stories are divine whether bad or good. To do the act of getting out of your skin and shoes and into another's is seeing through the lens of another. It is also significant to me because i’ve always had trouble telling my story. Not telling my story of the short time i've been in this world has made me feel alone. However recently my best friend of many years who I love wholeheartedly and see has a sister completely, asked to hear my full story in fairness. I say fairness because she has always given me her lens to see through when I need to understand a situation. Thus it's made me love her more, even when her waters can be murky because I can't contemplate why. When I finished telling her some of the deeper parts of I felt refreshed and understood. Knowing that someone knows me almost to the extent that I know myself gave me relief and happiness. Since then she carries a pair of lens of mine with her now, when wishing to she can see a view through my eyes. And i've never been so blessed to share a story. In conclusion, Sanders third reason of the importance of a story, to be able to see through the eyes of

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