Phenomena Of Obedience And Disobedience

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In order to understand the phenomena of obedience and disobedience, it is essential to understand the causes of these behaviors. The first and most common cause of both obedience and disobedience is authority. Countless examples demonstrate the significant impact of authority on a person’s behavior. The Milgram Experiment, conducted in 1963 by a Yale psychologist, was a prime illustration of how authority can greatly influence the actions of an individual. In the Milgram Experiment, there were two volunteers who were assigned the roles of either the “teacher” or the “learner.” The teacher would ask the learner a series of questions and if the learner answered a question incorrectly, the teacher issued an electric shock to the learner, increasing …show more content…

An authoritative figure can markedly affect an individual’s choice to obey, but the perceived stigma of authority by some people can also play a major role in the decision to disobey. In today’s society, many individuals view any type of authority as corrupt and immoral. As a result, a certain segment of people refuse to follow the direction of any authoritative figure regardless of the setting or objective. Often, there is no motive behind such disobedience other than simple, obstinate human …show more content…

Unusual, unanticipated situations can have a very powerful influence on obedience and disobedience alike. In every situation, there is usually at least one variable that can alter a person’s actions. A person can be put into nearly identical situations on different occasions, but because just one variable is different, that person would arrive at a completely different decision or execute a different action. Depending on the situation, an individual’s morals or beliefs can potentially become irrelevant and he could forgo past discernment and behave in a way unfitting of his character. (Ross, Nisbett

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