The Theme Of Death In The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell

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Death is an inevitable part at the end of human life, despite how many people try to avoid it. Sometimes death is seen as a sacrifice, as noticed in “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst. However, not all sacrifices are deaths, as seen in “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell. In both stories, upon analysis and comparison, one can see the similarities and differences involving the theme of sacrifice. When the two stories are put side by side, one will see that Connell and Hurst both use death in a way that displays character development. This is shown when Brother of “The Scarlet Ibis” becomes regretful and Rainsford of “The Most Dangerous Game” becomes what he once hated, the reader will also realize how the characters’ personality traits …show more content…

In these two stories it helps develop the characters. In “The Scarlet Ibis,” the narrator, Brother, starts off as a selfish kid who could not stand the deformities of his brother, Doodle, and tries to “fix” him. Brother tries his best in teaching him to walk and run, however he pushes him too far and runs away after Doodle cries out “[Brother] don’t leave me!” (Hurst 138). Doodle ends up dying due to the selfish desires of his brother which in itself is a sacrifice, because his brother ends up feeling sorrowful and regretful. With the event of Doodle’s death and the narrator’s looking back on it the reader can assume that the narrator has changed his views on life and might have not pushed his brother so far if he could go back. On the other hand with “The Most Dangerous Game” the main character, Rainsford, becomes what he once viewed as psychotic. Rainsford started off as a character with views on the world that would not be accepted in the modern world, such as his view on how animals have no feelings and how “the world is made up of two classes- the hunters and the huntees” (Connell 26) , but he was not as bad as the human-hunting General Zaroff. However, as the story ended and Zaroff is killed, the reader is led to believe that Rainsford had taken his place as a human hunter. One can look at this as Rainsford sacrificing his morals so he can continue to live on. In both stories there had been a …show more content…

The society and environment in the two stories shape Zaroff and Brother into who they are and without that there would not have even been a need for sacrifice. In “The Scarlet Ibis” the narrator is young and impressionable. The school is a major setting in the story as it affects Brother 's views in life and it is meant to represent society. Brother tries to make Doodle “normal” just like how society thinks everyone should be and how everyone is at the school. Brother even asks him if he “[wants] to be different from everybody else when [he starts] school” (Hurst 135) implying that Brother does care what society thinks. However Brother does not realize the pressure he is putting on Doodle until he dies. This goes to show society makes everyone shun those who are different until it is too late. In “The Most Dangerous Game,” General Zaroff is seen as psychotic, but in reality is just a man who was shaped differently due to society’s ways of war and privilege to the rich. As General Zaroff was born rich with all of his needs and pleasures taken care of. This includes hunting as one of his pleasures as he started off at a young age with a “little gun, specially made in Moscow for [him]” (Connell 33) showing how rich he always has been. Due to always having everything he did not experience boredom until his later year, this leads him to finding his own way to find pleasure. Also by having to go to war, society was telling

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