The Sugar Act Essay

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The Sugar Act of 1764 was a British Law, passed by the Parliament of Great Britain on April 5, 1764.Reduce the rate of tax on molasses from six pence to three pence per gallon - but ensured the new tax could be collected by increased British military presence and controls.The people that started the Sugar Act was the British Parliament of the Great Britains. King of Great Britain throughout much of the colonial period; saw marked decline in popularity in the colonies after the French and Indian War.The second person who started it was King George.The Sugar Act was in the middle of a trade between the American colonies and French markets. The Sugar Act ended with the American Revolution and so the American colonies and the british was …show more content…

The Sugar Act was passed by Parliament on 5 April 1764, and it arrived in the colonies at a time of economic depression. It was an indirect tax, although the colonists were well informed of its presence.The main reason why King George was to indirect taxes and lower them. The Sugar Act was passed by the British Parliament of the Great Britain on April of 1764.The growing disconnect between the American colonies and other British Holdings in tax compliance inspired greater enforcement by the …show more content…

However, corrupt practices kept merchants in the colonies from having to pay the taxes. The Sugar Act was a modification of the Sugar and Molasses Act of 1733, so The had placed tax on each gallon, so The colonies stop having to pay the taxes.The Sugar Act of 1764 disrupted trade between the American colonies and French markets and was one of the laws that hastened, and ended with, the American Revolution. The growing disconnect between the American colonies and other British holdings in tax compliance inspired greater enforcement by the

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