The Structure Of Marijuana And Ecstasy

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In the club scene, individuals use molly, ecstasy, or x which is Methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). MDMA (Ecstasy) is from a plant that has a derivative of amphetamine and, in the streets, may be known as XTC, Adam, M &M, or essence. Ecstasy is a synthetic in origin causing the structure of amphetamine molecules to become altered. The purity along with other compounds contain impurities such as caffeine, ephedrine, ketamine, a mild hallucinogen, and methamphetamine that can be taken in a tablet form that’s created in a clandestine laboratory. While marijuana is natural in origin, and its euphoria and sense of relaxation is also an experience of pleasure. Therefore, Ecstasy and Marijuana are drugs that provide a mind altering experience for

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