The Stranger Research Paper

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The theme of The Stranger is the Meaninglessness of Human Life. “It occurred to me that anyway one more Sunday was over that Maman was buried now, that I was going back to work, and that, really, nothing had changed.” This quote from Meursault regarding his mother's death is an example of what the author is trying to say about life. He has no remorse for his mother’s passing and continues on with his life without giving it another thought. Religion is the life issue that caused the majority of the conflict in the book. "Why have you refused to see me?" he asked. I said that I didn’t believe in God. He wanted to know if I was sure and I said that I didn’t see any reason to ask myself that question: it seemed unimportant.” This quote is directed to a magistrate judge who is interested in saving Meursault in the name of God. Meursault of course repulsives to the idea. He questions that if everyone’s going to die that God shouldn’t matter. Those who believe in God will meet their ends just like everyone else who doesn't. An important character in the book The Strangers is Old Salamano. Salamano is an old, …show more content…

Events unfold every quickly. The novel begins with Meursault receiving a telegram informing him of his mother's death. He attends the funeral and goes on as if nothing has happened. After a couple of weeks, he befriends a pimp. They go for a walk on the beach one day and are confronted by two Arabs. Violence occurs between them and Meursault eventually ends up killing one of the Arabs. Meursault is put on trial but the court is much more interested in Meursault’s lack of grief over his mother's death than his alleged heinousness. The jury finds Meursault's character guilty. Awaiting his execution in prison, Meursault becomes enraged with a preachy chaplain. He declares that “The world is meaningless, lawless, and without rational order.” Some would say that Meursault was looking forward to his

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