The Storm Quotes

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"Hard work, will lead to good times", my Da once told me. I am the oldest child of the noble, Thornhill family and I am honoured to tell the truth of what happened to the Thornhill family. Life isn't a breeze without the storms. Da is my shelter and leads me through the storms. Da's boat wouldn't have gone down the right river if it wasn't for the storm. Da bought me Thornhill valley 10 years ago and so far we are climbing high. Just yesterday Mr Griffin painted a portrait of me reading a bible "upside down". I was enraged and declared for him to leave immediately. 5 years ago I declared my love for Charlotte King, one of Mr King's finest daughters in who "warms me like a fire". She is my apple and the flint to my fire. Together we have had …show more content…

Jack was still wandering round after the event but, that was before I pulled the trigger. The best thing Da ever did was kill them rodents, pestering into our territory. No more disappearing corn, spears or bullshit from "them buggers". All them "outrages and depredations" were off the chain. The land is now white no more black polluting our land. "They wandered about, naked as worms" (92) ready to dig holes and destroy all our hard work. I remember when Da left late at night ready to teach them "bastards a lesson". Lying in my bed I heard the shots fire, a smile lifted over my face, the "warmth in my heart ignited". I imagined myself standing there in the valley pulling a trigger at their "ugly black faces", the victory I would have felt if Da let me out. Birds now fly over the valley singing the sweet songs of victory, the victory of my Da's. Thanks to Da I now have Thornhill Valley, he made " a silk purse out of Sal's ear" and bought lightness out of the …show more content…

My younger brother, Dick bolted to the dark when he was merely 10 years old; my Da although firm wasn't firm enough. Dick was a curious boy and as his curiosity grew so did tsunami's. Large tsunami's of black people took Dick and washed him away, they plucked his sole and took all the lightness and purity from within. Da should have fought against him he should have changed the tides and bought Dick back to us. Da should have kept his eyes peeled and kept a sharp eye on Dick, playing with those feral kids and learning their barbarian ways. He should have punished Dick sooner, given him a "hard quick whip" and taught him a lesson. He should have steered him down the right river before the "Hope" lost its

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