The Souls Of Black Folks By W. E. B Dubois Summary

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The Souls of Black Folks by W.E.B DuBois addresses two concepts that illustrate the experience of African Americans including the concept of the Veil and the phenomenon of double-consciousness. Although the author uses these two concepts differently, their usage and meanings are related. These concepts provided a name to African American’s grievances that were felt then that could not be expressed because there were no word that could precisely describe their grievances. The implication was that the grievances experienced for being an African American could be described then, and also be described in present America. DuBois starts by describing the concept of the veil as mainly referring to three meanings. First, the veil looks at the physical differences of Blacks’ darker skin to white skin. Second, the veil looks at the inability of white people to recognize Blacks as Americans. Finally, the veil looks at Blacks’ inability to view themselves outside white American views. …show more content…

In an example, DuBois says that he realized he was experienced this concept of the veil when in a ball his card was refused by a white girl from the South because of his black color. This experience felt by DuBois is also said to be normally experienced by other African Americans. However, on the other hand, it can be seen that this feeling of dislike towards all white people reveals a huge point concerning this concept of the veil. Many people do not want to see this as a two sided view; that is, when the white girl looked through the veil, she could not see beyond DuBois skin. Likewise, DuBois could not precisely see through the veil to understand that a single negative experience does not mean whole white race is

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