The Skeksis Analysis

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Sneers, Jeers, and Leers: The Skeksis On February 6th of 1978, Jim and Cheryl Henson write the story outline of a new project while snowed in at the Howard Johnson’s at Kennedy International Airport. (Henson). Inspired by the work of Brian Froud, who he hired on, Henson imagines the world of the Dark Crystal. Jen, last of the race known as the Gelflings, is given the task of finding the shard of the Dark Crystal, a gem that provided, balance to the universe. After the crystal was broken, the UrSkeks were split into two races: the Skeksis and the Mystics. “Henson notes that they are modeled on the Seven Deadly Sins…Frank Oz says the Skeksis ‘were designed to look untrustworthy’” (Garlen, Graham). The Skeksis, a “cruel race of creatures possessing the worst traits of reptiles and scavenger birds. The Skeksis have toothy beaks, a sinewy tail and two pairs of arms (one pair is functional, the other is vestigial). They are the darker halves of the UrSkeks and are the self-proclaimed Lords of the Dark Crystal” (Henson), sought to gain control of the gem. Jen believes that he can repair the dark crystal and bring peace back to the world if he can only find the remaining shard. Impressed with their work with faeries and their influence on faerie lore, Henson hires Wendy Midener – …show more content…

The puppet had to attach to the puppeteer in some way, the solution was a harness that transferred a majority of the weight to the hips. What they avoided as much as possible was making the Skeksis look like puppets, they needed to look consistent. Just like actors have variations in features and quirks, the Skeksis puppets needed to be unique in their own way. SkekSil the Chamberlain was the most complicated, it was made up of twenty-one cable controls and required four people to maneuver. The Skeksis faces were practically as expressive as a human face in the

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