Drug Use: An Observation Learning Perspective

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Drug use seems to be a much more common every day. It seems like the number of people who are using and becoming addicted to drugs just keeps increasing. Perhaps if more people had more knowledge of drugs, their history and effects it would not be as bad. However, it does not always work that way. Many do know side effects of certain things and still choose to use. The use of drugs could very well be like a form of observational learning. Many people will pick something up once they have observed other people actively doing it. This idea works well with groups of individuals who are using a drug or substance around someone who has never used. That one individual may learn that behavior of using the substance, and how to use it by watching the …show more content…

More specifically, they come from opium, or the poppy plant (Addictions and Recovery). This is the same as a poppy seed that you find in or on your food products and for example, an everything bagel contains poppy seeds. It is in a way the same thing only consumed differently, in a different amount and obviously for different reasons. Synthetic opiates are manufactured with chemicals and are not completely natural. Their structures mimic that of the natural opiates and are created in laboratories (Synthetic Opiates List). Natural opium and synthetic opiates are mixed to create semi-synthetic opiates (Synthetic Opiates List). Basically, a true opiate would be directly derived from a poppy plant and contain natural opium alkaloids while both synthetic and semi-synthetic opiates are …show more content…

It is said that they had many different uses for it. Uses ranged from relaxing to calming a young child (History of Drug Abuse). It is also believed that Opium was not only used for medical purposes, but also for rituals. When used in rituals, it was used by magicians, priests, warriors and shamans (About Opiate Addiction). It was not until much later that people began using opiates recreationally. This occurred around the fourteenth century in the Middle East, fifteenth century in China and late in the 1800’s for the United States. Once the Chinese began immigrating to the United States, they brought Opium with them and introduced the Americans to abusing and depending on it (About Opiate Addiction). Another take on where opium came from originally is from London. It is also believed that opium was big in London, and introduced to America when it would be shipped overseas to settlers here in the United States (The history of drug). It seems safe to say that no one truly knows exactly where the use of opiates originated or when it did. History in this matter is just not clearly stated

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