The Seven Commandments In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Animal Farm: The Seven Commandments The Seven Commandments are an important factor to the story of Animal Farm by George Orwell. It gives the animals rules and regulations to follow in order to reach their desired future. The Seven Commandments were created by Snowball and Napoleon before the revolution began. It set expectations for the way the farm animals should behave towards the human race and all that they stand for. Once Snowball is driven out of the farm, Napoleon slowly broke the rules and asked Squealer, his public speaker and servant, to change them in his benefit so he is not perceived as a traitor among the animals. His plans was first noticed when Clover began to question whether the pigs were allowed to sleep in the farmhouse …show more content…

‘It says, ‘No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets,’ she announced finally.” (Orwell 47) The original commandment was ‘No animal shall sleep in a bed’ however, since Napoleon decided to sleep in the farmhouse, he changed it in hopes of the animals looking past the change. As he changed the farm, Napoleon wanted the animals to be oblivious of the direction the farm was heading. By changing the Commandments one at a time, the animals never noticed a large change sa they did not study each and every word that was written. As time continues on and the animals adjust to all of the changes that have been made, Napoleon eliminates the Commandments as a whole. In the quote, “For once Benjamin consented to break his rule, and he read out to her what was written on the wall. There was nothing there now except a single Commandment. It ran: ‘all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others’” (Orwell 92), it was noticed that the Commandments had been changed once and for all. During this period of time, Napoleon and the pigs began to wear clothing, stand on their hind legs, and carry around whips to punish the misbehaving animals. All the Commandments had been broken, therefore Napoleon

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