The Scarlet Lbis Literary Analysis

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In “The Scarlet Lbis,” James Hurst uses diction, point of view, and symbolism to create a mood of tragedy, sadness, and loss. The story’s mood influences the readers feeling about the story itself. Throughout the story, the author creates a thought out the usage of worlds and the writing style. In the first paragraph, the narrator descries the flowers around his childhood “stained with rotting brown magnolias petals / graveyard flowers” the birds nest is described as “an empty cradle” even due to the flowers surrounding it. The description refers to the aspect of nature with the approach of death. Hurst created an atmosphere that reminds the reader about tragedy. The story revolves around the narrator, himself and his brother Doodle. The mood that was created in the first paragraph makes the reader worry about what is going to happen in Doddle’s …show more content…

However, the dark jus counterbalance with description of beauty. The narrator’s details create the beauty of wild “would gather wildflowers, wild violets, honeysuckles, yellow jasmine, snow flowers, and water lilies and with the grass (would) weave them into necklaces and crowns.” The naming of many flowers creates the image that the brothers are in this magic world and no harm can ever come to them. “Knot of cruelty” cause him to tease his brother and frighten him. Once when the brother took Doodle to the barn where seeming a screech owl- a bird that is associated with death. “Don’t leave me Don’t leave me” These words are very simple but hold great meaning which bring in the bitter mood of sadness and impending down. The point of view has the influences its mood. The reader knows about the relationship between the brother comes from the narrators view. The story seems to be the brother looking back feeling responsible for Doodle’s death. The first description of Doodle was “nice crazy, like someone you meet in your dreams” but yet he was “a disappointment” because of his physical

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