The Role Of Anxiety In The Works Of William James

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In our text we learned of the debilitating “vastation” or anxiety both William James and his father suffered from at one point in their lives. I find it an interesting coincidence that each developed an anxiety at a crossroads, and by overcoming that crossroad they each overcome their anxiety. In the case of William James, he came upon the philosophical writings of Charles Renouvier’s and an essay on free will (Fancher and Rutherford). James, taking the essay by Renouvier to heart, decided to believe in the concept of free will and in his ‘individual reality and creative power’ (Fancher and Rutherford). From that point forward James decided he was in control of his anxiety and it would no longer control him. In an exercise of mind over matter, James faced each day being positive regarding his life and assuring himself he would overcome whatever was stifling him. …show more content…

There are times I have even caught myself in the act of “coaching” myself into a more positive mindset. Inner self statements such as, “I can do this” or “this is not the first time I’ve ever felt this way and I survived.” These inner pep talks have helped me overcome issues of my own simply by willing myself to believe I can. Much the same way as William James, I tell myself I will be able to do this as long as I take it one step at a time and stay positive. The moment I allow negativity into my thought process all I have gained would be in

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