The Rocking-Horse Winner Symbolism

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As a person, we are often blinded by anything that sparkles to our eye, anything that catches our whimsical desires, and anything that makes our life easier. We often tend to cling onto such materialistic things that in the end, realistically matter nothing compared to the blessings given to us. In the short story “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence, it speaks about how happiness cannot be achieved with all the shallow tangible things in life, but the littlest things that are closest to our heart. The story starts with a description of an almost perfect woman who is later revealed as the main character Paul’s mother whose only flaw is the absence of her luck. Hester was cold towards her children, yet a perfect mother for all those …show more content…

He believed that luck is the key to his mother’s heart, hoping that if he could provide her with a hefty amount of money, she would start loving him and appreciate his efforts. What he did not know was her need for money is unlimited and far greater than what he could yield no matter how much effort and determination he puts in it. He was exceptionally blessed being lucky to know the winning horses for each race. However Hester, being the idly scrooge woman she is, never recognizes his hard work so he decides to strive harder and harder, thinking that if he rides his rocking horse faster when figuring out the winning horse might get an even tiny amount of her attention. It is sad how Hester is evidently blinded by money and everything that comes with it. She lets it empower her negatively; her drive for money which causes her to look stubbornly on life. Instead of being a one of a kind mother towards her children, money lures her to become a good-for-nothing person. All of her sense of determination lost once brainwashed by the concept that luck, and not hard work, is the key to money, the thing that she desires the

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