The Road Not Taken Change

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The theme of the poem, “The Road Not Taken”, by Robert Frost is change. There are three reasons why I believe this. Reason one is that the character had to make a choice in his life, and making choices always lead to change. Also, the character wasn’t sure about which choice would be the better one, or which one would make a better change. Lastly, the person didn’t want to make a choice, but when he did it had made a difference in his life.
The first reason why I believe that the theme of this poem is change is because in line 1 it says, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,” (Frost). This line is basically saying that the are two different roads that the character can take, or figuratively there are two decisions that the person has. This line of poetry can help show that the theme of this poem was change because making choices always lead to some sort of changed whether it be good or bad. Therefore, this is one of the reasons that I believe the theme of this poem is change. …show more content…

Literally these lines mean that he was looking down the road to see where one would lead him and it bend to where he could no longer see down it, then he looked at the other seeing it was about the same. Figuratively it’s saying that when he looked at his choices he couldn’t see where they would lead him to , or how they would make a change in his life. This shows how the theme of the poem could be change, because the person wasn’t sure on which path to choose, because he wouldn’t know how it would affect his future which is basically change. So, this is one of the many reasons why I believe the theme of this poem to be

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