The Remains Of The Day Mr Stevens Characterization

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In the historical fiction novel, The Remains of The Day the protagonist and narrator of the story, Mr. Stevens is not your ideal butler. With Mr. Stevens as head butler of Darlington Hall, he follows in his father’s footsteps by spending nearly all his life as a butler which has shaped him into a tactless person. The novel gives the readers an objective level of insight overall. With Mr. Stevens being both the narrator and protagonist, he is in control of the level of insight he wants us to view which is an issue because of how reserved his feelings are already. The critical distance in the novel between the narrator and protagonist is nonexistent because they are the same person, which is another factor as for why the level of …show more content…

Stevens has some communication issues, there are a few blossoming strengths in his personality. While Mr. Stevens can be too reserved, the way he handles privacy can be admirable for one who is too over expressive. His desire to remain private about his life allows him to have majority control of how people perceive him. By giving others a specific level of insight, there is not much room left for one to judge him because of the little information he gives to society. Mr. Stevens is attempt at “bantering” or being more humorous shows that he is aware of his reserved personality. His willingness to grasp the skill of bantering shows that he can eventually become more open minded to acquire other positive traits and skills. Although bantering is not typically something that one learn, it is almost an accomplishment for Mr. Stevens because of his personality. Towards the end of the novel Mr. Stevens begins to come to terms with the mistakes he has made in life, saying : “ Perhaps, then, there is something to his advice that I should cease looking back so much, that I should adopt a more positive outlook and try to make the best of what remains if my day. After all, what can we ever gain in forever looking back and blaming ourselves if our lives have not turned out quite as we might have wished?” (Ishiguro 244). Mr. Stevens looking back on the mistakes he has made and coming to terms with them and having a positive outlook show some of his …show more content…

Stevens is a semi static and semi dynamic character. For most of the story, Mr. Stevens was static because he had not developed into expressing himself better, and being so consumed with being a butler. At the end of the novel Mr. Stevens comes to terms with his life being only spent as a butler and it has not gotten him far. Mr. Stevens also acknowledges his regret for letting Ms. Kenton slipping away and aspires to get better at bantering, which will only improve his social skills. Mr. Stevens has allowed these series of unfortunate event push him to becoming a better person. The main conflict that Mr. Stevens faces is with him, exhibiting person vs person character conflict. Mr. Stevens clearly struggles with internal conflict, ideological struggle and is an abstract

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