The Pros And Cons Of The Dakota Access Pipeline

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Before researching this topic I had not known what the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAP) was about or where it was located. The pipeline is not directly being built on the Standing Rock Reservation; however, it will be located on the Missouri river that borders the reservation. The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) approved the DAP and so the disapproval from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) didn’t stop The Corps from building the pipeline. This is why the topic has become a major controversy for those who favor and do not favor the building of the DAP. Researching the DAP it explains various pros and cons, here are a few of those facts from both sides of the issue. As mentioned previously, the ACE approved the DAP in refusal of the EPA. They argued in a case of an oil spill the risk to water supplies and potential incompetent emergency preparedness can lead to damaging environmental impacts. Supporting why the Dakota Access Pipeline should not be built are for those who live on the Standing Rock Reservation, the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. Although the DAP is not directly on the reservation it is located on the Missouri River that does border the reservation. The Sioux depends on the Missouri river for their needs like fresh drinking water, fish for food, and …show more content…

The construction of the pipeline will allow to transport large amount of barrels of oil all throughout the United States each day. As Adam Kelsey states in his report a few viewpoints from President Trump. He said that the transportation of the oil barrels throughout the US is a “vital energy infrastructure”. On January 24, 2017 Trump said “great construction jobs”, this will increase jobs for many workers. In addition to the construction jobs, there will be an increase in job for steelworkers. “We build the pipelines, we want to build the pipe, going to put a lot of workers, lot of steelworkers back to work”, says

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