Debunking Myths: Bottled vs. Tap Water

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You 've probably heard a lot about bottled water. That it 's healthier for you than tap water, that it can replace your vitamins, that it 's really only tap water and how environmentally unfriendly it is. We know which is better for the environment. That 's easy. Not only are millions of tons of plastic bottles clogging our landfills, but it takes 1.63 liters of water to make every liter of Dasani. But despite those harsh realities, public concerns about tap-water quality have caused bottled water sales to soar over the past couple of decades. With this type of conflicting information about water, it 's easy to get confused. Let 's see if we can help you cut through the clutter and lead you down the path to healthier water consumption. There …show more content…

Though you may have been lead to believe this substance to be vital to the dental health of you and your family, this is simply not the case. Unfortunately, the belief that fluoride prevents cavities is a common misconception. In fact, the exact opposite is true. A new study in the Journal of the American Dental Association published in October of last year, also found that, contrary to what most people have been told, fluoride is actually bad for teeth. The study found that fluoride intake during a child 's first few years of life is significantly associated with fluorosis, and warned against using fluoridated water in infant formula. The BPA used in Type 7 plastic water bottles is linked to a number of potential complications for pregnant women and the fetus. Exposure to these faux-estrogens while in the womb can cause early onset of puberty and increase the infant 's risk of prostate or breast cancer as an adult. Water bottles containing BPA have also been linked to increased rates of disease in adults. humans with the highest concentrations of BPA in their urine are 2.4 times more likely to have Type 2 diabetes than people with low BPA concentrations. Bottles marked as Type 1 plastic are made from polyethylene terephthalate, or PET. PET bottles contain no BPA or faux-estrogen, but do pose potential health risks. This is primarily due to the bottle 's design, which makes it difficult to …show more content…

The Kangen Water filtration system removes many harmful chemicals from tap water, and produces healthier water through the process of electrolysis. Kangen Water is the official name of water created by Enagic’s innovative water ionization technology. Kangen means “return to origin” in Japanese, so this means we’re taking water back to its purest origins. Many people use Kangen Water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene. Kangen Water machines work by applying an electrical charge to your tap water, and then sending that charged water through an ion exchange membrane. This will mix positive and negative ions within the water, which can help break molecular bonds on dirt, which is why it is ideal for cleaning and personal hygiene. Rather than using harsh astringents that dry out your skin, or leaving a soapy film on your skin because your water can’t clean it all off, Kangen Water can help clean your face better than regular tap water. Kangen Water is also better for personal health. While drinking tap water is better than buying soft drinks, it’s still not the safest it could

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