The Pros And Cons Of President Barack Obama

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We are now just past election day, and the media is still buzzing about our new president-elect Donald J. Trump. Protests are happening everywhere, but what is it going to change? That doesn’t matter now because as we say goodbye to our current POTUS Barack Obama, we recap and evaluate what he has done over his 2 term presidency. As a conservative, I feel that President Obama did not do a very good job serving our nation. He had many problems pertaining to domestic policy, foreign policy, platform and ideas for the future, fiscal policy, and relationship with the two political parties. Broken; having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order. That exact word can be used to describe our failing domestic policy. Thanks to Obama, we now have a broken immigration system. This is due to employers bringing in too many undocumented workers, and too many people hiding in the shadows. He was trying to get the legislature to crack down on this problem (The White House). However, his great idea, like most of his ideas, never came to light. America’s immigration system is not as strong as some people believe. I know America is called the melting pot, but soon we are going to have more immigrants and refugees than we have citizens. Many people believe that our immigration system is well …show more content…

in 2014.” From those numbers, we can infer that about 3.5% of our population consists of illegal immigrants. Along with a

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