The Pros And Cons Of Immigrant Parents

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Many presidents, advocates, protesters, and government officials have tried to tackle the immense controversy that surrounds immigrant families, but they have failed to address the numerous stereotypes that linger within the shadows of immigration. There is an aspect of shame and humility, which follows immigrant families and their parents, but the aspect of honor and pride that is attached to immigrant families and parents received far less attention. Thus, this paper takes an alternative approach to study the various advantages and disadvantages that are associated with immigrant parents. The world at large has seen an influx of people migrating to various countries in the pursuit of life, liberty, and quest of happiness. No other country in the migrating world has seen a large influx like …show more content…

However, many individuals argue that children of immigrant parents are at a disadvantage because of a language barrier, cultural barrier and economic barrier. Children of immigrant parents are more advantageous than children of non-immigrant parents due to them learning numerous life skills from their parents. Dr. Sham'ah Md-Yunus who has done extensive research in diverse and multicultural education along with being part of numerous research organizations such as The American Educational Research Association states, "The children of immigrants are the fruit borne of immigration. Today, 25% of children under the age of 18--a total of 18.7 million children--have an immigrant parent. Their growth has been rapid: In 1970, the population of immigrant origin children stood at 6% of the total population of children. It reached 20% by 2000 and is projected to be 33% by 2050"("Immigrant"). Many of the children in America are from immigrant families and this connection has a positive impact on the children.The

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