The Pros And Cons Of Divorce

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There is a couple named Bruce and Janet Marshall; they have an eight-year-old son named Brandon Marshall. Lately the couple has been fighting over finances and small issues, the two cannot seem to stop arguing in front of Brandon. Every night the fights get worst. From the fighting and the screaming there is no end to it. Brandon feels that he is the blame for all there arguing because playing sports at his age in expensive. Months go by while Bruce has been sleeping on the couch and Janet upstairs with Brandon. Finally Bruce could not take it anymore, he told Janet that it was best for them to get a divorce and things went downhill from there. Two years later Janet and Bruce are still fighting in court over who gets what and fighting over whom gets full custody of Brandon. Through this process they never questioned how Brandon would deal with his family separating and if he understood what was going on. After their divorce was final Brandon was twelve-years-old and living with his father, he never saw his mother again.
Divorce is the legal separation of a mother and father’s marriage by a court appointed judge. Divorce and an annulment are not to be confused. An annulment is a legal process where you can get your marriage voided in the first 30 days; the marriage was never legal. In most cases divorce is not a onetime life event. It is a stressful experience for the whole family, especially the child. According to Sara Stringer from newspaper article, American Thinker, the divorce rate in America is above 50%. Couples half of the time get divorce because they got married at a young age, have insecurities, and sometimes their parents may have gotten divorced in the future. There are numerous effects that come into play when a chil...

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...r an equal amount of time can increase the happiness of the child. Not having shared custody can create a bridge between the child and one of the parents. This is a way for the child to see how independent the parent can be and how they take care of business. Modeling how a person should be in satisfying relations is another way a child can benefit. Seeing that the parent can move on from something that they felt was not good for them and turn it to something positive can be a life lesson for the child. Therefore showing the child to never settle for something less than what they want.
In conclusion, divorce can change the child physically and emotionally. During the process for divorce the child is the suffering factor and can seem as if they are not important. Even though divorce is an event that no child wants to go through it can also have its rewarding factors.

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