The Pros And Cons Of Bone Fasting

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With the latest news about Kourtney Kardashian fasting for 24 hours on only bone broth I cannot decide if I am motivated or completely turned off about bone broth fasting. Maybe it has to do with the way the article is presented to us as readers. First we hear about her restrictive diet, and then we are shown a string of photos of Kourtney Kardashian in dental floss stringy outfits. And then comes the part about her being a mom of three.....evidently this is suppose to inspire us fellow moms to put on a thong swimsuit and drink nothing but bone broth and water for twenty-four hours!

As someone who works in the bone broth and nutrition field, I find articles like this frustrating. While I am happy that bone broth gets some more well-deserved
In the last fifty or so years, we have turned fasting into a way to lose a few pounds for a big event....or as a way to bounce back after weeks of "splurging". There are fasts (aka cleanses) that range from only drinking water, to drinking water/lemon/cayenne pepper, to only juicing, to now only brothing.

Bone broth fasts do have their benefits. Bone broth is rich in amino acids that tighten the skin, cleanse the liver, support the colon, hormone detoxification, and help repair intestinal permeability ("leaky gut"). It is also high in minerals and nutrients that support overall general
Start by incorporating a cup of well sourced, well made, broth and eat local, fresh produce (ideally from local farmers). Make sure you drink plenty of clean, fresh water. Then, if you want to start fasting, start slowly, but make sure your body is ready for it (for example- make sure you are pooping "normal" poop on a daily basis. See above chart-4 and 5 are considered normal). Replace a meal a day with bone broth (ideally 1-2 cups). You can add a scoop of coconut, flax, or another seed oil to it to feel more sustained energy. If deciding to go on a full bone broth cleanse, then seek advice of an expert or purchase a book like Dr Kellyann's Bone Broth

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