The Pros And Cons Of A Peaceful Protest

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People do have the right to protest their government and should use that right. However, there are limitations to that right and certain ways to go about promoting justification; people first should use peaceful methods and should try to avoid being violent at all times when protesting. In some cases, people need to get permits and follow regulations or accept the consequences; others promote violence to get attention from the media and make news headlines in order to make their cause more prominent. Nevertheless, it’s a simple fact, violence can put many people in danger and should only be used when a large group feel like there needs to be an immediate change in the government. If the people feel like the government doesn’t need to make a drastic change in a short amount of time, they should hold a peaceful protest and inform other people about the issue through canvassing. In the Declaration of Independence, it’s states that we have the right to fix or abolish our government according to our needs, so why not practice what we preach? The government serves us and only has power because we give them power, not the other way around. Two great examples of protest is when The Colonist protested Great Britain (1760’s) and the March From Selma to Montgomery (1960’s).
In the 1760’s the Stamp Act was put in place by the British …show more content…

The first attempt of crossing the bridge was brutal, police mercilessly attacked the protesters and used teargas. A key point to remember was that through the whole process, the protesters never once used violence. The protester’s leader, Martin Luther King Jr. had them cross the bridge a second time but call everyone to stop and pray and return home. The third time, the president ordered the national guard to protect the protesters as they crossed. The worked with the government to make everything possible and used media to broadcast their march

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