The Pros And Cons Of A Burning Man

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Masses will travel from all around the world, locally, and throughout the country all to participate in a once a year event. All of the participants take part in a temporary city that is Burning Man, and will light a giant wooden man, burning it to nothing but ashes here in Nevada’s Black Rock desert. This event is described as an experiment of itself and art that followers ten main principles, “radical” inclusion, self-reliance, and self-expression with the purpose of community cooperation, civic responsibility, gifting, participation, immediacy, decommodification, and leaving no trace. In recent Burning Man events, the theme for Burning Man was, “Da Vinci’s Workshop”, which offered those who participated the opportunity to experience and …show more content…

Now, as the years go on, gradually the event has allowed more participants to attend than before back in 2006 in which only 40,000 participants were actually allowed to attend, but now they allow 28,000 more people and are gradually growing. With that in mind, this year’s overall total comes to 45,493 tons of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide being produced and put into the …show more content…

Spokesman Jim Graham saying they’ve had a program running for three years where they offer delivery for portable water to camps that use twenty-five or more gallons throughout the week, and also encourage participants to carpool wherever possible. Jim Graham also states, “This year we are also testing a fuel depot for mutant vehicles as a test to determine whether we can reduce the amount of emissions from individual camps hauling in additional fuel for art cars.” Jim, Graham. "Burning Man.", 23 September. 2017, Regardless of these attempts the end result is still the same, with little to no improvement on the dire negative impact that this event is having on the

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