The Prominent Secondary Conflicts In 12 Angry Men, By Reginald Rose

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In the play 12 Angry Men there was several prominent secondary conflicts that affect how the verdict concluded.
When you say I'm going to kill you do you really mean it? Tension rises in the jury room. Juror 3 is angry and wants to kill 8.” I'm going to kill you” the 3rd juror said, but did he mean it? 12 Angry Men written by Reginald Rose. Anger was fuming in the jury room. Was the boy guilty or not guilty of killing his father? It drove some of the jury to slowly turn on one another. In the play 12 Angry Men there was several prominent secondary conflicts that affect how the verdict concluded.
In 12 Angry Men there were a lot of arguments about whether the victim was guilty or not guilty for killing his father. Those arguments sparked a conflict with juror number 10 and juror number 8. Several times the 10th juror got up out of his seat and wanted to give the 8th a piece of his mind, but was always stopped but the other jury members. In the end, juror 10 lost it and was cursing, yelling letting all of the hate out that he had with all of the other jury members. ”The 10th juror …show more content…

Juror number 3 felt guilty when his son left, therefore making the final decision hit home. Juror 3 was the deciding vote.”3rd: No? you got any kids? 8th: Two. 3rd: yeah well I got one he’s twenty. We did everything for that boy and what happened? when he was nine he ran away from a fight. I saw him. I was so ashamed I almost threw up. So I told him right out i'm gonna make a man outta you or i'm gonna bust you in half trying. Well I made a man outa him alright. when he was sixteen we had a battle. He hit me in the face hes big ya know. I haven't seen him in two years. Rotten kids you work your heart …..[ He breaks off. He said more than he had intended, he is embarrassed.] All right let’s get on with it pg 17-18’’ The 3rd juror just told the whole jury about himself and how it will affect his vote. This shows person vs self

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