The Presentation Of Creature In Dante's Inferno

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Hell’s environment is described as above a very unpleasant location, and it serves as a place for physical punishment for the demons. Although we know that these Fallen angels cannot die by god’s weapons, we know that they can bring “pain of an inextinguishable fire” (Milton 88). The pain of that the fallen angels feel is not only physical but also emotional. Milton is saying that hell is not only just a physical place, but it is also an emotional state. In hell, physical torture is it very closely related to mental torture because they know that this physical pain that they are feeling will be endless. Milton makes repeated comparisons to a medieval torture chamber and hell, for example, using quotes such as “prison,” “torture without end,” …show more content…

From the very beginning of the poem, we get a description of Satan as well as his emotions. We can see that Satan suffers from psychological and physical pain, but also shows emotions such as pride and hate. Satan, for the most part, tries to keep his feelings to himself, but there is an emotional conflict that Satan is dealing with, and it becomes evident when he enters the garden of Eden. “The impression of the depth is maintained throughout this because, although same as mine is no longer hidden, his energy bait and self-criticism reveal him as a creature of dynamic tension, such as the other characters of the poem notably lack” (Carey, p.4). Satan acknowledges his guilt, and he thinks through all the possible options and still decides to stick to the evil plan. The reason it is essential to analyze things and emotions to describe the hell is that hell is not only just a place, hell is also an emotional conflict within Satan’s mind. In the end, the hell of that Satan has to deal with originates in the fact that he has failed to resist temptation. The temptation being that he wanted to be an equal or better than God. Satan’s fall from heaven was never presented his fate but as his failure, because his rebellion was based on his own free will. Wrath and pride both contributed the most to his fall, but it cannot be blamed for the cause of it. It seems that Milton it is using Satan as a warning to his audience to not to commit any of the …show more content…

As we have talked about above Hell is not only just a physical location but a conflict within Satan's mind. Milton implies that Hell as a state can be transferred by Satan just by saying physical location. This transfer needs though to be completed by humankind; this is where Adam and Eve show up. Adam and Eve are also bestowed with free will by God, and the only way for Satan to get into Paradise is to convince Adam and Eve to be just disobedient and eat from the tree of knowledge. Satan persuades Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge; there is a Direct connection between the fall of the Angels and the fall of humanity. After they are finished eating the fruit from the tree, things begin to change and day first start to experience negative feelings and thoughts. At that point, hell has made its way into paradise in the form of sin. Not only is there now a fall from heaven but the consequences affect Earth as well, transforming earth into something hell like or even hell itself. So, humankind is the reason responsible for why there is hell now on earth. After the fall of humanity, Adam accuses Eve I have having the same characteristics of the sin that the devil himself has. Moreover, the relationship between Adam And Eve relationship has forever changed and has linked Satan’s fate to theirs is morally and

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