The Power Of Power In William Golding's The Lord Of The Flies

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A reoccurring theme within many storylines is the will of one character to challenge the rules and organization of his or her society. In the novel The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, one of the main characters Jack, fiercely opposes the rule set in place while stranded on an island with many other boys and no adults. Jack’s capacity to defy the leader Ralph and to recruit other boys to follow him is tested by his desire for power and will to go against a society’s basic principles. In the novel The Giver, by Lois Lowry, a similar opposition to society is attempted by the gifted Jonas, who has the power to understand the depth of his society deeper than other citizens. Golding uses symbolism, imagery and point of view to provide characterization
These two young boys, Jack and Jonas, both ignore the rules of their societies and show that there is a commonly occurring desire to oppose the rules set by society, and the moral and ethical consequences of acting against social order. Jack’s yearning to be the leader and have authority is reflected through his actions, directly `influencing the society and testing how far he is willing to push the boundaries for his own benefit before losing his own sanity.
Throughout the course of the book, The Lord of the Flies, Jack’s transition to become the ringleader of a force against authority is strengthened and progressively shown through his behavior. On many occasions he attempts to solve problems irrationally through violence and rash behavior. For example in the beginning the conch, a symbol of order and organization throughout “their community”, was enforced and obeyed. In one instance Ralph, who supported an orderly community argues with Jack about the importance of obeying the rules because he feels that it is the only thing they have left. However, Jack responds by displaying his clear disregard for the conch and what it represents when he says, “Bullocks to the rules! We’re strong- we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close
His behavior brings up the question of why he wants this control. It’s possible that he wants power over the other boys and wants to feel like he is superior in comparison. From the beginning Jack shows attributes of defiance and desire for personal gain, especially when he wanted to be a spearhead. On the other hand Golding expresses a side of Jack that wishes to be someone else with more power when Jack is described to look at himself in, “astonishment, no longer at himself but at an awesome stranger. He split the water and leapt to his feet, laughing excitedly. (Golding 63)” Analyzing Jack’s point of view clearly illustrates Jack’s want to be something he is not, which motivates him to act out against the community later on. There is a part of Jack that wants to be more confident when he attempts to justify why he thinks he is superior when he says, “I ought to be chief…because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp too… (Golding 228-30)” Golding provides an understanding of why Jack feels he is greater and why he feels he should have more power through the perspective of Jack as well as his accomplishments and characteristics. This helps explain his likeliness to try to gain clout in this situation. Similarly, in another tale The Giver, a parallel theme is identified in the will of one person to go against the principles of the society they are part of.

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