Greed And Incentives Essay

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Greed and incentives are two terms that each play a role in the other. Incentives are sometimes rewarding and sometimes punishing. Greed is intense and selfish, but is it really bad? By looking at it from an economical perspective, one can see how forms of greed and incentives play a crucial role in the free market society.
People often confuse the idea of acting in one’s self-interest and of being greedy for the same thing. While they are of a similar concept, there is one large difference. To be self-interested simply means that you seek your own personal gain. Reasonable self-interested behavior is actually a virtue; it acts as a form of motivation for people. Greed, however, is when self-interest is taken too far and it becomes excessive. When self-interest is taken too far, and it becomes greed, it can actually work against your own interests and be self-defeating. Meanwhile, most of the economic activity we see around us is the result of self-interested behavior.
Adam Smith may have best described self-interest in his book, The Wealth of Nations: “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” So why does the baker choose to bake? It is not because of his benevolence, or kindness, it is because of his …show more content…

Without incentives of profit, innovation would not matter. Profits foster the pursuit of new opportunities. They encourage people to undertake the risk necessary to come up with new products, new ideas, and new businesses. Every new idea and new business is a risky undertaking, and humankind would still be stuck in the Stone Age if we did not have the incentives provided by profits. Losses, by contrast, encourage hesitance. They counter the incentive for profit seeking and discourage excessive risk taking. This works as an incentive for people to make smart economic decisions. Profits and losses are

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