The Positive And Negative Impact Of The Progressive Movement

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Although some may feel the Progressive Era not to be a very influential impact, it is what shaped this country. The Progressive Era has sought to be a spitting image of the Populists, just changing the name, well that’s how some see this movement. This Movement was a social, economical and political reform movement. This movement built an existing society through political improvement. Most of the population is becoming dependent on the governments like never before. Labor is a big problem due to the fact there is no set working wage for these factory workers, monopolies were controlling the nation and cooperation’s emerging together such as Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Morgan. The problem was no competition so the businesses …show more content…

Roosevelt unlike the presidents before him, did not follow perhaps the big corporate quota, instead he sided with the people’s needs. He saw there was a corrupt government in hand and he wanted to fix that. As I have explained before, this was the first time in history that the people relied on their government to help them financially and economically. A good example of Roosevelt’s motives for the country occurred during the Anthracithe Coal Strike. Instead of sending troops to stop this rage, he made negotiations to peacefully resolve the laborers conflicts, as any president should. He was also a big advocate for protecting the environmental status of the country, such as the Grand Canyon. Women Progressive’s such as Jane Addams influenced Roosevelt to create and “endorse state minimum wage laws and mothers pensions.” Despite other presidents of our time who felt as if change was not necessary, Roosevelt promoted change as a necessity of moving American forward. Roosevelt wanted to change America by showing the people new ways to approach various situations in order to instill labor laws, women’s rights, monopolies, and other issues during the progressive era. Roosevelt influenced a government, corrupted by riches and wealth, to make decisions helping the people of America, rather than making decisions regarding the government’s intense grasp on American economic issues. If it wasn’t for Roosevelt’s impact on the presidency as well as the government our countries system may still be as corrupt as it was during the Progressive

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