The Plague Of Imperialism: Good Or Evil?

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Imperialism was a policy that has been around for thousands of years. Imperialism is when a country takes control of another country. The empire takes goods and money from the other countries. Empires have been all over the world in America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Although they have some good effects, such as jobs and security, imperialism is evil because it is the enslavement and exploitation of people for one's benefit.
One of the main reasons why imperialism is evil is strongly related to the leader. Too much power to one leader can lead to the people being abused. Empires give all the power to one person and not to the people who live in the land controlled by the empire. People argue over who leads and what laws they have to follow, which can cause protests and riots. Riots can ruin countries and put everyone in danger. An example of this happening to a country was the American Revolution in the 1700’s. Great Britain had full control of the 13 colonies, high taxes, and soldiers everywhere. The citizens of the colonies had no say in the government. When the British refused to lower the taxes, the Americans rioted and protested. Later, the revolutionary war began, and the 13 colonies became the United States. The evil leader of …show more content…

They have high taxes and use all of the goods the citizen produce. Empires have a large amount of laws and taxes so the people can’t do anything and have no money. One empire that had high taxes was the French Empire during the 1800’s. France later had a revolution when people took a stand against the high taxes. People in an empire are also exploited for their resources and labor. In Africa, people were enslaved to collect rubber for European manufactures (ConnectUS, 2017). They got little money and food for their work, and were heavily punished for not collecting enough rubber. Evil empires taking advantage of their citizens holds them back from expanding and enjoying their

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