The Pilgrimage

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This year has been truly a blessing for me because of what I have grown up on and the people I have met. A high point was the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Through this experience, I was able to know several places that have a connection with Sacred Scriptures and that are going to be very useful in my own personal relationship with the Lord and in my homilies. The Pilgrimage was also beneficial for my relationships. During those days, I could get closer to some classmates and deepen my friendships. The human experience of living every day with my classmates was a huge opportunity to know them and understand them. It was also the opportunity for me to show my leadership skills as the coordinator of the photography team, and also by working together with a classmate in making a video about the whole pilgrimage. …show more content…

Each place that we visited is in my memory and I have experienced great consolation, peace, and joy at reading and listening to the readings at Mass because they bring to my memory the places themselves, but also the experiences that I and my classmates had over there. In addition, the experience of had been at those places, enhance my personal prayer and allow me to understand more the Biblical world, so I can help others understand it too. In terms of the academic program, this year has been beneficial too. I was able to do my STB exam. Also, several of the classes were very interesting. For instance, history, John, Prophets, and Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue. Each one the classes helped me understand more what I am doing in the seminary, to prepare myself for the future ministry, and to apply all what I learn in classes to the concrete world of the parishioners that I am going to ministry as a

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