The Parent Figure In The Pigman By Paul Zindel

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The Parent Figure “Your life is the fruit of your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself”(Joseph Campbell). If one blames another they may be trying to get them blame off themselves. Blaming anyone with truthful facts makes ones statement not true. For example, in the book, The Pigman by Paul Zindel, John was in trouble for supposedly sticking glue into their telephone lock so that his father could not make any phone calls. But, his mother blamed him without knowing for a fact that he had actually glued lock in the first place. Also, people will blame each other for more than one complete reason. They could blame others to take the blame off themselves, they could blame someone else because they are scared off owning up to their own mistakes, or they are scared of the consequences of their own mistakes. In addition, blaming oneself is not going to help the situation that one is stuck in. Also, it could dig their hole even deeper than the situation already was. One should not blame if they do not know all the facts. …show more content…

If one blames another without the facts, such as receiving ‘facts’ from another friend who hasn't seen the situation in the first place, then blaming your friend for whatever reason, is most likely ending up to be wrong. One should ask the other person to tell them their side of the story so that they will know the real truth. For example, in the book The Pigman John's mother blames John for gluing their telephone lock. Even though, she never saw him glue the lock. ‘“You put glue in the telephone lock!” she wailed. “I did what?” “You heard me!”’(Zindel 28). Thus, she blames him for a mistake he may or may not have done. Another reason could be, people will blame others, without facts, because they have lost their

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