The Outsiders, By Susan Eloise Hinton

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If you walk into any bookstore or search online, you will find many books that interest you. For example, books that involve crime, tragedy, and love. One book that is a great example of these topics is “The Outsiders,” by Susan Eloise Hinton. The book portrays the lives of two rival groups of teenagers who fight for respect and dignity. In this book report, I will discuss where the story takes place, the characters, and the plot of the story. The story takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which happens to be the author S.E. Hinton’s home town is. During the story, the boys visited several locations. They visit the drive-in movie theater where the Greasers meet two Soc girls. A church where the boys hid from the police because of a murder, and …show more content…

When he was little, his parents were killed in an auto wreck, leaving him and his brother alone with nobody to care for them and a lonely house. Luckily, Ponyboy and his brothers meet Two-Bit Matthews, Johnny, and Steve Randel, who would later form a group known as the Greasers. The Greasers were a group of boys with long slicked back hair, hence the name Greaser. These boys agreed to stay together no matter what happened to them. They would steal things, drive fast cars, and have the occasional gang fight with another group known as the Socs. The Socs were a group of high-class people in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They would jump Greasers, wreck houses, and throw beer blasts for fun. Overall, this group was not much different from their rival group the Greasers, but both groups will cause a large conflict later in the …show more content…

Now it was just Ponyboy, Soda, Darry, and Steve who left. Steve and Soda tried to tell Ponyboy there was nothing they could do, and the only thing they did was to continue with their lives. The next day, Ponyboy was recovering from his injuries and sickness from the past few days. He was told that he would have to appear in court, but Cherry Valance, the Soc girl they meet at the drive-in movie theater, convinced the judge to ask him very few questions due to his current life conditions. A week later, Ponyboy finally felt better about going back to school. During his first day back at school, he was told by his English teacher that he could bring his grade up to pass by writing a paper on what he wanted. It took Ponyboy a long time to think about what he wanted, but when he realized he wanted to write his book report on Johnny’s life from his perspective. He knew that Johnny’s life should be told to everyone, starting with his English teacher. Then S.E. Hinton ends the story with the first words of the

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