The Oppressive And Submissive In The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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The Oppressive and Submissive
What is love? An intense feeling of deep affection that one craves. Husband and Wife relationships are usually developed by a mutual understand and love. Love is powerful and strong, so powerful and strong that one might go to the extreme seeking lust or one partner may even become more aggressive and dominant. Women are especially vulnerable when going through hard times in life, and during these times one might have a mental breakdown or have medical problems. Often women have significant others who try to help them during this tribulation of life. This can be a tremendous help for women, but in some cases not as much. Husband can become more controlling and have lower standards for their wife or maybe even …show more content…

a woman which is the narrator who is unspecified; has recently given birth to a child. She suffers from depression while her husband, John, who’s a physician, has a hard time accepting. Her husband leads her from depression to insanity. “Because of the elusive and ambivant fluctuations in the narrator’s perceptions, diagnosing her illness is difficult. However two of her most disturbing qualities-her deceptiveness and her dormant fury - becomes increasingly with each entry” (Hume 2) Charlotte Perkins Gilman states she didn't plan to drive readers crazy with this anxious story, the yellow wallpaper, She said “Was only to expose a serious and extreme lapse in medical judgement, or wisdom, regard the treatment of neurasthenia”. The relationship in The yellow wallpaper is not one’s typical relationship. While being forced to retire during the summer the narrator's husband john locks her in the nursery in their summer rented home. Could he have meant any harm by it or was he really looking out for his wife with him being the physician he is? There’s truly no actual answer to that question, but clearly he still loved his …show more content…

John just doesn’t understand the negative consequences that being imprisoned is having on his wife. Throughout the short story the narrator writes in her notebook from time to time, and she becomes overly obsessed with the yellow wallpaper that's covering the walls in the room. She speaks about how she has a aversed feeling about the wallpaper and asks her husband to redo the wallpaper in the room. The narrator's husband only made excuses to why he couldn't change the wallpaper in the room, the narrator then writes “he said that I was letting the wallpaper get the better of me, and that nothing was worse for a nervous patient than to give way to such fancies.” (Gilman 528) That shows the audience that John belittled her and the way she felt about

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