The Odyssey

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Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “Virtues are lost in self-interest as rivers are lost in the sea.” Roosevelt pointed out how our virtues can be lost in this vast world. Today many people disregard values, which are vital to make our society a better place. The Odyssey by Homer incorporates the morals of our world to remind us of their significance. This novel is important to read because it teaches the values of loyalty and perseverance that have been absent from our society.
In this Epic Poem the value of loyalty is expressed by many characters. First of all, Odysseus, a Trojan War hero, shows his loyalty by never replacing his wife, Penelope, for someone else. Odysseus is stuck on the island of Kalypso, who is a beautiful sea nymph, when he is tempted to fall in love with her. Odysseus is loyal enough to Penelope and focuses on getting home to see her. Without this value, Odysseus would have fallen in love with everyone on his journey home. Odysseus shows how loyalty is a value that everyone needs in life. In addition, Eumaios and Philoitios, residents of Ithaka, display their loyalty by fighting for Odysseus not against him. Odysseus is disguised as a beggar and tests the faithfulness of Eumaios and Philoitios. He wants to see if they are still loyal to him so he asks them if they would fight for Odysseus if he comes back. They answer by saying, “You’d see the fight in me!” showing how they still care for their leader (20.260). In the end, their loyalty pays off because Odysseus knows of their trustworthiness, so he does not kill them in battle. Eumaios and Philoitios’ integrity is something that Odysseus and others honor. Finally, Penelope’s faithfulness to Odysseus plays an important part in this novel. If Penelope did ...

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... absent from society but also perseverance is missing in our world. People today often give up on projects, dreams, and even life. I know that sometimes I think something is too difficult like a homework assignment and I give up. It seems petty, but later in life everyone will need values to accomplish other goals. Characters in The Odyssey embody perseverance to let others know that they can complete their challenges, too. In the end, many people do not think much of values that are critical to today’s world. Sometimes I make a decision without thinking about honesty, loyalty, or perseverance. This blinds me from knowing if I am making the right decision or hurting someone. People need to understand more about the values in society to make sure they are being the best they can be. This novel sets many precedents about the morals of humanity for others to follow.

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