The Necessity to Teach Manners

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“Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.” These were the words of Clarence Thomas, an American Supreme Court Judge. This quote, of course, extols the virtues of etiquette, seen by many as a dying art. But why exactly do people have so little regard for having good manners these days? Few schools actually teach about manners and etiquette these days, but is that such a bad thing?

Many of us were taught the adage, “Kindness will take you where money cannot,” and it represented an era that kept social manners in the forefront. Today, there exists a dying art of exchanging pleasantries and having real conversations that involve looking into each other’s eyes and making full sentences. In this current era of smart phones and texting, we are losing more of the social manners that put the “civil” in the civilization in which we live and work.

The light-hearted exchanges that provided the cornerstones for social manners begin in the home. From being taught how to use the utensils at a table to discussing current events are fundamentals that young people need now more than ever to enhance their personal interactions in the future. When you consider that the future of civilization rests on the shoulders of children, only then do you realize how important lessons in manners are in order to live in society successfully.

There are those who want to return to a focus on social manners and highlight the importance beyond knowing which fork to use. There is a blog entitled, “It Manners A Lot” that was started by Lisa Kimble, a writer, who wanted to show that social manners can help to “promote confidence in young people.”

Many believe that social manners can spur a resurgence in courteous and civilized behavior that we ...

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...g in a socially appropriate way, and about promoting harmony in society.

Learning about etiquette needn’t be an intimidating experience, there don’t necessarily need to be hard and fast rules about how to behave; rather, guidelines. Possessing good manners is best described as “to behave in a way that makes others feel considered, respected and comfortable.”

“Business Boot Camps” for college grads and “Lunch for Success” classes are popping up in cities all across America. Courses in etiquette and protocol are becoming popular tools for both personal and professional success in life. Useful Information you may want to use in training your staff. Manners are the great equalizer because they are something everyone can possess. Put the sweetness and personalization back in how we approach people and watch your staff build confidence and customer complaints decline.

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