The Movie Contagion

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1 = Summary The movie that I decided to review was the very influential film Contagion. This ground-breaking motion picture that depicted the modern and very possible disease outbreak that could occur within our society at any moment. Contagion was originally released in the United States on September 9, 2011. (IMDb Contagion, 2011) The cast of this movie was one of the original reasons that I was so intrigued to watch this film. The cast had many famous actors we all know including Matt Damon (The Martian, The Bourne Identity) (IMDb Matt Damon, 2017), Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix Series) (IMDb Laurence Fishburne, 2017), Jude Law (Enemy At The Gates, Side Effects) (IMDb Jude Law, 2017) and Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad, Malcom In The Middle) …show more content…

(CDC, 2014) I do hate that the editor did not mention that the CDC is a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agency. The CDC works with other government agencies outside of the United States but they primarily focus their attention and resources to the United States citizens. (CDC ,2017) This includes agencies like the WHO (World Health Organization), the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). (CDC, 2017) This movie shows people with little to no scientific knowledge how fragile society really is. One scene where the CDC employee arrives at a meeting room in a government building were the 1st US case of this disease started was talking with the government officials. She was trying to explain how serious this outbreak really could be from a scientific perspective. She makes a great attempt to explain this outbreak in the simplest of terms so that someone with no scientific knowledge could …show more content…

This motion picture is continuously switching between Mertonian norms and Mitroff’s counter norms. You have all these unique points of views like the business woman who was the 1st US death, the blogger, the print reporter, the CDC manager, the CDC investigator, the immune citizen, the CDC manager's wife, the WHO worker, the Military general and even the janitor of a CDC office. The blogger norms are explained as much more universalism because many people are trusting him based on his word and not the actual research being done. He said the government is not looking out for the greater good. He also said that “pharmaceutical company’s governments go hand and glove” are just trying to make money of death but in the end, he was the one that was not following interestedness

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