The Movement Of Satyagraha, By Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was many different words. He was noncooperation, civil disobedience, fasting, a political leader, a human to some, a god to others. Gandhi was truth. As the father of Satyagraha, or ‘truth-seizing’ Gandhi believed that “Satyagraha is the weapon of the strong, it admits of no violence under any circumstances whatsoever, and it even insists upon truth” (Quinn 2013: 206). The name of the movement of Satyagraha also stands for ‘soul’ or ‘love’ power. This is because the act of Satyagraha is to spread love even to those who show hatred. The term ahimsa, nonviolence or non-harm, is the root of Satyagraha. Gandhi wanted to make India independent without killing or hurting others, he wanted to use nonviolent techniques to …show more content…

They must be able to make interactions in their life fully nonviolent and be able to follow ahimsa. This practice does not mean stay neutral and not participate in a movement. Ahimsa, as well as satyagraha, call people to action and ask of them to continue to seek the truth. Gandhi had times in his life when he sought personal truth. He realized he was not being the best husband he could be, this is one of the moments in Gandhi’s life where those around him could really see the humanness of what they thought to be their perfect leader. Another element of satyagraha is Tapasya, which encompasses self-restraint, discipline, control, and suffering. In the practice of satyagraha, one must be prepared to give some elements of themselves up as well as some aspects of their lives. Gandhi thought that, “[Satyagraha] should be an essential of real education that a cild should learn, that in the struggle of life, it can easily conquer hate by love, untruth by truth, violence by self-suffering” (Gandhi 2001: 36). This statement embodies the different elements of satyagraha perfectly, there cannot be change if a movement is static. To create the desired change the people must be filled with a passion in a positive direction. Just as hate creates more hate, a positive and a negative will …show more content…

The power is found in the many, these amazing social changes would not have been accomplished if Gandhi was not able to gather such a large number of people who desperately needed change and were willing to do anything to make it happen. In theory, if the entire world used the ideals of satyagraha, we would live forever in peace and happiness. There would be no war because war is a violent technique. There would be no hatred because hate is a violent act. One of the many problems with humanity is also the thing that makes humans so unique. Our ability to experience intense emotion controls many actions that we make. Gandhi once encouraged nonviolent techniques to be used against Hitler and the Nazis. Gandhi was filled with a lot of love, but there have been people whose hatred cannot be overcome with love. Hitler and his army of Nazis is such a specific circumstance that was planned so it took the humanity out of each of his followers. They each had one small job in the process of exterminating a race that they did not feel as if they were really doing anything wrong. They did not blame themselves for the deaths of the innocent because they did not have to experience the entire process. The British rule over India was extremely different. Although they ruthlessly killed, the British had to live with the Indians, often having to communicate directly with Indians everyday. This is why Gandhi’s

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