The Molecular Docking Method

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In silico methods became widely used in the fields of structural molecular biology and structure-based drug design with the rapid increase in computational power. Molecular docking [2–4] is one of these in silico techniques. Docking is a method which predicts preferred orientation (on the basis of binding energy) of one molecule to the second to form a stable complex. In the field of drug design, first molecule is usually protein/enzyme/DNA and the second one is small organic molecule/small peptides as potential drug candidate. Knowledge of preferred orientation of ligand and protein used to predict binding affinity and to discriminate high-affinity drug candidates from the low-affinity compounds. 2.6.1Lock and key analogy Molecular docking is sometimes described as a problem of lock and key, where one is interested in finding the correct orientation of a key (ligand) that will open the lock (protein). Although this analogy is simple to understand but it does not account for inherent flexibility of proteins and ligands which is why more appropriate term hand-in-glove is used sometimes. 2.6.2 Rigid-body docking vs. flexible docking The docking problem involves many degrees of freedom [18]. There are three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom for each molecule as well as the conformational degrees of freedom for both molecules. The simplest approach to docking is to take into account only translational and rotational degrees of freedom and treat both receptor and ligand as rigid objects. This approach is known as rigid-body docking [18]. It depends from case to case, whether this approximation is accurate enough or not. If there are significant conformational changes within the molecules during the complex formation... ... middle of paper ... contributions to the binding free energy. An equation of this kind would have the following contributions: ΔGbind = ΔGsolvent +ΔGconf +ΔGint +ΔGrot +ΔGt/r +ΔGvib (2.1) ΔGsolvent represents contributions of solvent effects, which arise from the interaction of the solvent and ligand, receptor and the intermolecular complex. ΔGconf arises from the conformational changes in both protein and especially more flexible ligand. ΔGint stands for the free energy of specific protein-ligand interactions._Grot is the free energy loss caused by freezing of the internal rotations. ΔGr/t is a change in rotational and translational free energy due to association of receptor and ligand, forming a single body and ΔGvib corresponds to free energy changes in vibrational modes. More details on each term can be found for example in [18] or [28].

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