The Mist Comparison

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In the 2006 film The Mist, directed by Frank Darabont, it is revealed what ordinary people are capable of doing in extraordinary situations. David Drayton prepared to go to town to get supplies after a large electrical storm. It is when he is at the supermarket with the rest of the locals that a mysterious mist covers the town and forces everyone to be held up in the supermarket. At this point in the film, uncertainty is everyone’s worst fear because no one truly knows what lies in the mist outside of their supermarket haven. The Film the mist, was adapted from a novel of the same name by author Steven King. In particular, King frequently writes about how fear can affect the human condition. Fear of the unknown is a reoccurring theme throughout the film because sometimes …show more content…

Carmody makes her presence known to all the inhabitants of the supermarket. She makes obvious predictions of death that come true because the supermarket was attacked by supernatural creatures. In times of despair and uncertainty, most people turn to religion to explain the things that can’t be explained and Mrs. Carmody provides a very macabre form of relief. Tasha Robinson provides interesting insight about the differences between the character of Mrs. Carmody in the film and in the novel. “In the book, a bunch of people are trapped in a grocery store when a supernatural mist full of killer creatures descends on their town, and as they grow increasingly scared and desperate, the local crazy, Mrs. Carmody, starts ranting about Armageddon and getting them so worked up that by the end, they're perfectly ready to grab little Billy Drayton and turn him into a blood sacrifice to make the monsters go away.” In the film, the character of Mrs. Carmody is a convincing and apprehensive woman. The woman preaches with devotion and charisma, just as Hitler did, she has no issue gaining followers as doubt and uncertainty continue to go

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