The Means to an End: David Walker

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David Walker, I would consider a very intelligent man who had a very strong disliked for those who thought of him as a lesser person. All the way through the book he refers to the difference between Christian and the slaveholding religion. Walker as well refers to the Israelite, Greek, Egyptian and Roman culture in the book. It’s is obvious that Walker himself was a well educated young-man. Walker too refers to and criticizes the statements Thomas Jefferson which presents the fact that Walker understood the vocabulary of the American icons that were a part of the so called higher race. This challenged the thought that black people were second-rate to the white race. Walker was passionate about his point of view on slavery and the unhappy living conditions over and over again using capital letters, exclamations in his writing.
As found in Article 4, Walker states that he used “language so very simple, that the most ignorant, who can read at all, may easily understand” (74). For that reason Walker’s projected audience were black citizens who suffered from slavery. I strongly believe that Walker planned that this document would be read by whites so that they may perhaps regret and change their ways. Walker also stated towards the whites that “my object is to see justice done at home, before we go to convert the heathens” (20). As a result, Walker’s Appeal was both an inspirational document and a frightening one do to the fact it challenged the white’s ideas that blacks were lazy, and unintelligent. This document also sought after to inspire Black African Americans to discover self worth along with pride in their inheritance.
This led Walker to state that black people should be like Moses, stating that Moses “had rather suffer shame, ...

... middle of paper ... been thinking of this strongly stated statement in Walker’s Appeal.
Generally I discovered Walker’s Appeal is an inspiring document that could provoke anyone to fight for the rights of man and freedom. I found it interesting how Walker had such a broad knowledge of Roman, Greek and Egyptian cultures to support his views on “colored people of these United States are the most degraded, wretched, and abject set of beings that ever lived since the world began” (3). Also I acknowledged how Walker had certain themes in the text that were also repetitive in the story of Frederick Douglass himself. Douglass text as well I discovered the thoughts that there is a difference between slaveholding Christianity and a pure Christianity that blacks affect their own circumstance by being servile, and black people ought to fight as Walker did even if it’s destined for death.

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