The Meaning Of Emotions In The Little Prince By Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

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We take everything for granted until we lose everything. We don’t always comprehend everything at first until we look into it. We feel alone when we have someone by our side. Everyone has this feeling, but the way to understand is by opening our hearts. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry knew how adults functioned and he stooped to their levels to interact with them by doing so he was drifting away from his six year-old self. His eyes were open, but not his heart and all of that changed to a certain event. What Antoine de Saint-Exupery realized was the importance of looking beneath the surface to find the real truth and meaning of things and we tend to always forget that. The little prince learned this and taught Exupéry that life has so much meaning. …show more content…

There is beauty in everything around us and all we have to do is open our hearts,” The house, the stars, the dessert—-what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible!” (93) and being able to understand that beauty is up to us. We can choose to be ignorant and be blind to the beauty or we can accept life as it is and see the beauty of it.“The eyes are blind. One must look with the heart.”(97) The novel the little prince show us that we don’t have to stoop to a lower level to talk to adults. They don’t understand what we …show more content…

The book revolves around finding that missing piece and putting it back only to realize that we are not alone and to see the true beauty within us and around us. For an example the rose told the little prince that she was one of a kind, but when the little prince got to earth he saw the rose had lied to him because he saw a rose bush full of roses. It’s not until he meets the fox that he realizes his rose is one of a kind. The fox tells him the work and time shared with the rose is valuable that no other rose would compare to it.The more time Exupéry spends with the little prince he realizes he too is being tamed by the little prince. The little prince gives him the opportunity to be his six year old self. The one that wants to talk about boa constrictors, primeval forests and stars. The one who wants to become an

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