The Mad Man's Tale Tell Heart

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Taylor McIntosh Ellen Shelton English 111 October 17, 2017 The Mad Man’s Story In Edgar Allen Poe’s short story “The Tale Tell Heart”, is about a man physically going mad. The short story is about the narrator revealing his insanity, how much an eye bothered him and the sound of an old mans beating heart. In the story the reader only knows that the narrator is thinking and seeing. Only being able to see one side of how the narrator goes mad, makes this very complicated in being able to depict if he is actually going insane. Poe also being the narrator gave the narrator a very dark vibe to him as he does in all of his short stories. Since Poe had no problem with the older man described in the story, other than the fact that the old man had …show more content…

Right as he finished his clean up it was around four in the morning, and there was a doorbell. Yet, the narrator did not seem to be scared or torn up in away, he was confident in the way he rid of the body. It was the police at the door, the neighbors hear a yell they explained. Quickly thinking he said that it was he who screamed because he had a nightmare. I don’t know about you but if a police officer asked any normal person a question like that after they killed a person, most people could not quick think that. Even when they asked where the old man was, he quickly explained that the older man was out of the country, and was unsure of when he would be back. How does one person think of that just right off the top of their head. They don’t. The police decided to continue to ask questions to the narrator which he was fine with, until he heart the hear. He heard the heart beating. The officers did not hear the beating though. So this causes the narrator to look more mad, but in the first sentence of the story he explains about a disease that caused his senses to be more acute. He heard the beating, which cause him to go crazy, he couldn’t bear to keep hearing the beating continue. He claims himself to be “too calm to be a madman”, but that makes you rethink that statement when he goes crazy about the heart beating. The …show more content…

This causes you to go into a story already giving the impression that he is mad. I believe that the narrators insightful insane desire to kill the man was impulsive because of the “disease”. Now weather or not if he had a disease he continues to say he isn’t mad. That obviously tells the reader that he is mad, just will not come to the conclusion that he is. When he finally yells, and fesses up the crime that he committed in the final sentence of the story, I think he finally realizes that something was honestly wrong with him. Poe like to give his reader a paranoia and or mental deterioration to keep interest and with this short story I think he portrayed both. The strange thing about this rivalry between the narrator and the old man is that it not hateful. The narrator seems to have a lot of sympathy for the old man. In fact, he knows exactly hoe scared the old man is, having felt the same way before. Yet the narrator can’t take how the old man’s eye made him feel. The narrator also seems to think that a person could only be insanely mad if they aren’t methodical, but his methodical efforts to kill an old man because he doesn’t like the eye is what I would call crazy, insane, or mad. The fact that he needed to see the eye to commit the crime made him seen madder than I thought in the beginning. In the end the narrator turns himself in, and I believe that he is mad for everything that he did.

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