The Lion, Witch And The Wardrobe

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The characters and their actions in Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe show a very strong connection to Christology. Many characters showed connections to Christology in many ways but one character, Aslan, had the strongest connection of them all. He showed connections to Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection. Aslan was the christ like figure in this film. He was a leader and inspiration to all, his wisdom helped all of the people of Narnia.
The children, Edmund, Peter, Susan, and Lucy are sons of Adam and daughters of Eve. They are apart of the prophecy in which Aslan will return to Narnia. Aslan is the creator of Narnia, he created Narnia himself just like Jesus created our world. The white witch wants all of Aslan’s power so she plans to sacrifice him at the stone table. Aslan is very sad and depressed so he goes to the stone table alone only to find the white witch and her army waiting for him. The white witch announces that she will sacrifice Aslan.
Aslan is tied up on the stone table, he is very embarrassed and they start to torture him. Aslan dies on the stone table and the day after, Lucy and Susan go to the stone table. They find Aslan dead and see mice chewing away the ropes …show more content…

Similar to Jesus, Aslan was innocent the entire time when he was sacrificed. Because he was innocent, the sacrifice didn’t work; the sacrifice has to be guilty in order for it to work. The other characters in the story helped make more connections to the bible. When Edmund betrays the family by going to the white witch and telling her about Aslan, this connects to Judas betraying Jesus. Judas betraying Jesus led him to getting Jesus arrested which connects to Aslan getting sacrificed by the white witch because of Edmund. Lucy was also like Jesus because at the end of the battle, she goes around healing all of the wounded

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