The Life of Helen Cusker

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The Life of Helen Cusker At the present moment Helen Cusker is 73 years old. She came into the world in her mother’s kitchen floor on the 5th January 1931. In those days children were rarely born in a hospital as home births were very common. A neighbour stepped in and acted as a midwife to deliver the baby. It was a long and painful labour which lasted seventy-two hours. From the day Helen was born, she stayed in Yorkhill, a small area near Partick in Glasgow’s west end. Admittedly it was not the best area to grow up in but there was a real sense of friendship and reliability within her small community. The street Helen grew up in was the only Street in the area with cobbles on the road. Unfortunately no houses stand there any more as it is now part of the Yorkhill fire station now. The original buildings were demolished to make way for the fire station in 1953. Helens childhood was a traumatic experience as World War 2 broke out when she was just eight years old. As a result of this the education system was greatly disrupted. Most children only got about three years of education. During the War the children at school were constantly being evacuated in air raids so there was no time to get a decent education. Helen came from a reasonably big family consisting of four sisters and a brother who died in infancy. Her family’s life was never a settled one with all the sirens and bombs constantly going off. The Yorkhill area my nanna stayed in was of one of the worst hit in Glasgow as it is situated very close to the Clyde shipyards and an army barracks. By the time the war had ended Helen was now a young adolescent, fourteen years old. Helen started work at the age of fifteen as a printer in the Glasgow Numerical Printing Company. She worked there

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