The Land Ethic

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The Land Ethic

1. Define the following terms/ Ideas based on your review of Leopold's discussion of "the land ethic,"


I think that in this chapter Leopold is showing the reader how the different people see the land and the things in and around that land. He also tells us that even the conservation commission feels impelled to kill animals and birds to help the production of a lesser species.

I think that Leopold is trying to say that in conservation someone will always loose out. For example man pollutes a river with trout in it, the trout die and there is a decline in trout population so the conservation commission feels to help trout populations get back to normal they will kill herons. This is better for the fisherman but not for the ornithologist. So it would appear, in short, that the rudimentary grades of outdoor recreation consume their resource-base: the higher grades, at least to a degree, create their own satisfactions with little or no attrition of land or life. It is the expansion of transport without a corresponding growth of perception that threatens us with qualitative bankruptcy of the recreational process.

The land pyramid

By the land pyramid I think that Leopold is using this as some equation for man and for land. I also think that this is a equation for many other things, for example Leopold talks about recent discovery's in mineral and vitamin nutrition reveal unsuspected dependencies in the up-circuit: incredibly minute quantity's of certain substances determine the value of soils to plants, of plants to animals. I think that this is saying that if you leave the land and the plants to themselves that they will look-after and provide for each other.



I think that he is trying to say that wilderness is something to be cherished and loved, because it gives definition and meaning to his life. His whole life was spent looking after and trying to preserve the wilderness. This is a plea for the preservation. I think that Leopold believes one day a lot of what we have today and he want it to be preserved so that in the future people have the chance to see there cultural inheritance like our ancestors let us see by preserving things.

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