The Kite Runner Quote Analysis

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The kite runner was written from 1975-2001. The book takes place in Kabul, Afghanistan. There is racism throughout the book. A pashtun is believed to be more superior than a Hazara. Babaś best friend from childhood Ali, now lives with Baba, and serves as his servant because he is a Hazara. Hassan and Ali are Amir and Baba’s servants. Amir and Hassan are friends growing up. Little do they know they are half brothers. Hassan gets raped, sticking up for Amir. This causes a major conflict in the story. Ali and Hassan move out of the house. Soon after Baba and Amir are Forced out of Afghanistan by Sov Invasion and move to California to start a new life. After the rape in chapter 8, Amir receives a birthday present from Assef at his birthday party. There is a quote In The middle of page 97 when Baba asks Amir...“Aren’t you going to thank Assef jan? That was very considerate of him”. Little does Baba know, Amir witnessed Assef rape Hassan.Amir does not understand how to react to the gift. Baba is a good man because he is unaware of the rape, Baba gets frustrated when his son behaves in such ways because he wants people to think good of him and his family. …show more content…

He dug a new hole with the trowel, striking the dirt harder than he had to. After the rape, things went downhill for Amir and Hassan. Amir feels bad that he let Hassan get raped and can't live with it. Amir decided that he wants Hassan out of the house. Amir asks baba if he has ever thought of getting new servants? This is what made Baba snap, he then explains that Hassan and Ali are family.Ali has been apart of Baba’s family for 40 years, his dad took him in.Baba Believes that Hassan and Ali are good people he does not want them to leave. He sticks up for Hassan “his other son” and Ali. He loves them both. He struck the dirt hard digging the hole because Baba is a sensitive man. He has a heart, and cares about his

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